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How we became a thing

Knit and knot was another one of those awesome little business that start from a stay at home mum with a bee in her bonnet! I really wanted to buy olive a macramé baby swing but didn’t think I could manage to buy one at $300 without brad noticing so I decided to make one🤣 I can assure you it cost me more than the $300 but kept me busy for awhile figuring out how on earth to macramé and then how to turn that macramé into a functional swing!

I soon found that cotton cord is really expensive to buy in New Zealand. I managed to find some on trade me for less and got started on my first ever swing. To be honest it was actually quite easy, time consuming but the swing went well and I learned a lot from the first one that went into the final design.

I’m not sure I would have actually gone ahead with even attempting to sell them if it hadn’t been an off hand comment from my neighbour’s friend. I had been chatting about maybe selling them but to be fair probably would have never got around to it but my neighbour had a friend over who saw the swing hanging in the kitchen and got her to ask where I got it because she thought it was cool, that little comment gave me the confidence to actually order cord from overseas and book into a market stall!

Turns out markets are hard work! Honestly if you are reading this and do regular markets you are amazing! Just trying to juggle the kids and figure out how to display everything and having stock.... HARD WORK! Our first market was our best market and we have only done a few since. The last one we did we sat in the cold all night and only sold one swing however we sold that one swing via Instagram so decided we would focus more on social media.

*Pictured above is Olive is her first swing and then the final swing design 👏

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