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Life, work, everything balance

I’ve been working on Knit and Knot on and off for over a year now. I seem to be going through fazes of excitement for the business and just being completely overwhelmed by it all. I have no idea what I’m doing on the marketing side of things and it shows. All I want to do is make cool swings for people🤷‍♀️

It’s July. So far this year I’ve planned and had our diy wedding, bought a house that needed to be completely renovated before we could move in then moved 8 people all while having six kids one being a toddler! Yet here I am sitting here wondering why my business isn’t taking off. How can it I just don’t have any time for it, and when I do I don’t have the energy or knowledge of what to do. I do however know how to make really cool swings and want to share that with other people 😊

As I sit here I’m deciding that I need to make time for it as it’s also making time for me. I enjoy when people love my swings as much as me. So watch this space I guess and as always any advice send it my way ✌



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