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Social media vs Markets???

Starting a business is so hard! Knowing the right way to start and what to do next is so confusing (if you are reading this and are a marketing expert please send help!) We started with the old Facebook page with a few friends following (thanks mum) and of course Instagram where we managed to get a few followers we didn’t already know but thought for sure the swings would sell at the markets but they didn’t! Well we sold one, Seriously one. I had spent weeks trying to get enough stock because no one wants an empty stall and even then I thought we didn’t have enough but in hindsight I’m glad I didn’t do anymore late nights. It was really disappointing.

We carried on with the old “the next one will be different” but it wasn’t. We got super excited when we were asked to join a market because they loved our swings but again nothing. We had loads of comments , loads of “ohh wow they are beautiful”, “look at them” “how cool” but not actually converting them into sales. So we stopped. We even pulled out of a market just before Christmas because the thought of standing at another market all day selling nothing was depressing!

We were lucky enough to come across an awesome made in New Zealand fb page that has a massive following and a quick post on there and we sold all our stock but it still doesn’t solve the where and how do we market and advertise? Do we focus on sponsored adds or keep trying markets? Do we give a swing to influencers or do social media courses??? Like seriously where do you start? Any advice is welcome here!

For now I think we are going to try it all, I’ve made the decision to just go for it. I’ve ordered more cord, and I’m going to keep myself busy making swings then post on the fb page, send a swing to an influencer do some paid ads and a social media course! I’m doing what they all say not to, I’m throwing it all at the wall and hoping something sticks, I will keep you posted on how that goes!



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